RestItemReader and RestItemWriter

jberet-support module includes restItemReader and restItemWriter to support reading and writing batch data from and to a REST resource destination. restItemReader reads and binds data to instances of custom POJO bean provided by the batch application.

restItemReader and restItemWriter leverages the standard JAX-RS API to interact with REST resources. The following dependencies are required:


Depending on your JAX-RS implementation, for instance, Jersey or RESTEasy, you may need additional dependencies. For example, when using JBoss RESTEasy, you will typically need the following additional dependencies:


If your batch application is a web application or Java EE application, the target application server, e.g., WildFly or JBoss EAP, already provides all Java EE API classes. So there is no need to package JAX-RS API jar in your application archive, and its dependency scope can be provided. When deployed to WildFly or JBoss EAP 7, your application can declare the above jackson-related implementation dependencies by referencing corresponding JBoss modules hosted in the application server. For example, this can be done by adding WEB-INF/jboss-deployment-structure file:

        <module name="com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-core"/>
        <module name="com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-databind"/>
        <module name="com.fasterxml.jackson.core.jackson-annotations"/>
        <module name="com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs.jackson-jaxrs-json-provider"/>

Batch Configuration Properties in Job XML

restItemReader and restItemWriter are configured through <reader> or <writer> batch properties in job xml. All properties are of type String, unless noted otherwise. The following is an example job xml that references restItemReader and restItemWriter:

 <reader ref="restItemReader">
     <property name="restUrl" value="http://localhost:8080/appName/rest-api/movies"/>
     <!-- starts from item 3 for the initial reading, skipping the first 3 elements (0, 1, 2) -->
     <!-- if offset not set, will start reading from the beginning -->
     <property name="offset" value="3"/>

     <!-- configure each REST call to return a maximum 20 items -->
     <property name="limit" value="20"/>

     <!-- type of each element in REST response entity -->
     <property name="beanType" value="org.jberet.samples.wildfly.common.Movie"/>
  <writer ref="restItemWriter">
      <!-- required property -->
      <property name="restUrl" 

      <!-- optional properties -->
      <property name="httpMethod" value="POST"/>
      <property name="mediaType" value="application/json"/>

Batch Properties for Both RestItemReader and RestItemWriter


The base URI for the REST call. It usually points to a collection resource URI. For RestItemReader, data may be retrieved via HTTP GET or less commonly DELETE method. The URI may include additional query parameters other than offset (starting position to read) and limit (maximum number of items to return in each response). Query parameter offset and limit are specified by their own batch properties.

For example, http://localhost:8080/restReader/api/movies

For RestItemWriter, data may be submitted via HTTP POST or PUT method. The URI may include additional query parameters.

For example, http://localhost:8080/restReader/api/movies?param1=value1

This is a required batch property.


HTTP method to use in the REST call to read or write data. Its value should corresponds to the media types accepted by the target REST resource.

For RestItemReader, valid values are GET and less commonly DELETE. If not specified, this property defaults to GET.

For RestItemWriter, valid values are POST and PUT. If not specified, this property defaults to POST.

Batch Properties for RestItemReader Only

In addition to the above common properties, RestItemReader also supports the following batch properties in job xml:


Configures the key of the query parameter that specifies the starting position to read in the target REST resource. For example, some REST resource may require start instead of offset query parameter for the same purpose.

This batch property is optional. If not set, the default key offset is used.


The value of the offset property, which specifies the starting point for reading. If not specified, it defaults to 0.


Configures the key of the query parameter that specifies the maximum number of items to return in the REST response. For example, some REST resource may require count instead of limit query parameter for the same purpose.

This batch property is optional. If not set, the default key limit is used.


The value of the limit property, which specifies the maximum number of items to read. If not specified, it defaults to 10.


The class of individual element of the response message entity. For example,

  • java.lang.String
  • org.jberet.samples.wildfly.common.Movie

Batch Properties for RestItemWriter Only

In addition to the above common properties, restItemWriter also supports the following batch properties in job xml:


Media type to use in the REST call to write data. Its value should be valid for the target REST resource. If not specified, this property defaults to application/json.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""