Read and Write Data through JDBC

jberet-support module contains jdbcItemReader and jdbcItemWriter that reads from and write to database through JDBC. Batch applications can reference them by name jdbcItemReader and jdbcItemWriter in job xml.

jdbcItemReader can read a row of data into one of three types, configured through beanType batch property:

  • java.util.List: populated with column value in the order as returned by the query result set
  • java.util.Map: with column name as the key
  • any custom POJO, e.g., StockTrade, Person, Employee, etc

Likewise, jdbcItemWriter can obtain data from one of three types for database insertion, configured through beanType batch property:

  • java.util.List: used to populate the insert statement
  • java.util.Map: used to set parameter values of the insert statement with map key as the parameter name
  • any custom POJO, e.g., StockTrade, Person, Employee, etc

When beanType is configured to a custom POJO bean in jdbcItemReader and jdbcItemWriter, they use jackson-databind library to perform transformation between java.util.Map and POJO bean. So in this case, the following jackson dependencies are needed at runtime:

<!-- needed if beanType is set to custom POJO bean -->

<!-- POJO beans may contain either jackson annotations, or JAXB annotations -->
<!-- Include this dependency if JAXB annotation introspector is needed -->

Of course all applications should include any database-specific JDBC driver jars in the runtime classpath.

Configure jdbcItemReader and jdbcItemWriter in job xml

The following sample job xml demonstrates how to reference and configure jdbcItemReader and jdbcItemWriter in job xml. Each batch property will be explained in the next section.

<job id="JdbcReaderTest" xmlns="" version="1.0">
    <step id="step1">
        <chunk item-count="100">
            <reader ref="jdbcItemReader">
                    <property name="beanType" value=""/>
                    <property name="sql" value="select TRADEDATE, TRADETIME, OPEN, HIGH, LOW, CLOSE, VOLUMN from STOCK_TRADE"/>
                    <property name="url" value="jdbc:h2:~/test"/>
                    <property name="columnMapping" value="Date,Time,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume"/>
                    <property name="columnTypes" value="Date, String, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double"/>
                    <property name="start" value="1"/>
                    <property name="end" value="10"/>
                    <property name="resultSetProperties" value="fetchSize=1000, resultSetConcurrency=CONCUR_UPDATABLE, fetchDirection=FETCH_REVERSE, resultSetType=TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE, resultSetHoldability=HOLD_CURSORS_OVER_COMMIT"/>

<job id="JdbcWriterTest" xmlns="" version="1.0">
    <step id="step1">
        <chunk item-count="100">
            <writer ref="jdbcItemWriter">
                    <property name="sql" value="insert into STOCK_TRADE (TRADEDATE, TRADETIME, OPEN, HIGH, LOW, CLOSE, VOLUMN) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"/>
                    <property name="url" value="jdbc:h2:~/test"/>
                    <property name="parameterNames" value="Date,Time,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume"/>
                    <property name="parameterTypes" value="Date, String, Double, Double, Double, Double, Double"/>
                    <property name="beanType" value=""/>

Batch Configuration Properties for Both jdbcItemReader and jdbcItemWriter


The sql statement for reading data from database, or inserting data into database. It should include parameter markers that will be filled in with real data by the current batch ItemReader or ItemWriter.



For ItemReader, it's the java type that each data item should be converted to; for ItemWriter, it's the java type for each incoming data item. In either case, the valid values are:

  • java.util.Map
  • java.util.List
  • a custom java type that represents data item;


JNDI lookup name of the javax.sql.DataSource. Optional property, and defaults to null. If specified, it will be used to look up the target DataSource, and other database connection batch properties for this writer class will be ignored.


JDBC connection url


User name for the JDBC connection


Password for the JDBC connection


java.util.Map<String, String>

Additional properties for the JDBC connection

Batch Configuration Properties for jdbcItemReader Only

In addition to the common batch properties listed above, jdbcItemReader may also be configured through the following batch properties:



Auto-commit mode for the JDBC connection.



Indicates whether the current batch reader will invoke Bean Validation API to validate the incoming data POJO. Optional property and defaults to false, i.e., the reader will validate data POJO bean where appropriate.



The row number in the ResultSet to start reading. It's a positive integer starting from 1.



The row number in the ResultSet to end reading (inclusive). It's a positive integer starting from 1.



String keys used in target data structure for database columns. Optional property, and if not specified, it defaults to column labels from java.sql.ResultSetMetaData. This property should have the same length and order as columnTypes, if the latter is specified.

For example, if sql is


And you want to map the data to the following form:

{"fn" = "Jon", "addr" = "1 Main st", "age" = 30}

then columnMapping should be specified as follows in job xml:

"fn, addr, age"



Tells this class which java.sql.ResultSet getter method to call to get ResultSet field value. It should have the same length and order as columnMapping. Optional property, and if not set, this class calls ResultSet.getObject(java.lang.String) for all columns. For example, this property can be configured as follows in job xml:

"String, String, Int"

And this class will call ResultSet.getString(java.lang.String), ResultSet.getString(java.lang.String), and ResultSet.getInt(java.lang.String).



The following resultSetProperties can be optionally configured in job xml:

  • fetchSize (use driver default)
  • fetchDirection
    • FETCH_FORWARD (default)
  • resultSetType:
    • TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY (default)
  • resultSetConcurrency:
    • CONCUR_READ_ONLY (default)
  • resultSetHoldability:

See java.sql.ResultSet javadoc for detailed explanation of these properties. For example:

<property name="resultSetProperties" 
          value="fetchSize=1000, resultSetConcurrency=CONCUR_UPDATABLE"/>

Batch Configuration Properties for jdbcItemWriter Only

In addition to the common batch properties listed above, jdbcItemWriter may also be configured through the following batch properties:



String keys used to retrieve values from incoming data and apply to SQL insert statement parameters. It should have the same length and order as SQL insert statement parameters. Optional property and if not set, it is initialized from the columns part of SQL insert statement. This property is not used when beanType is java.util.List, which assumes that incoming data is already in the same order as SQL parameters.

If beanType is java.util.Map, and any of its key is different than the target table column names, parameterNames should be specified. For example, if an incoming data item is:

{"name" = "Jon", "address" = "1 Main st", "age" = 30}

And sql is


then parameterNames should be specified as follows in job xml:

"name, address, age"

If beanType is custom bean type, custom mapping may be achieved with either parameterNames, or in bean class with annotations, e.g., JAXB or Jackson annotations. If the bean class does not contain field mapping, or the field mapping is intended for other part of the application (e.g., ItemReader), parameterNames can be used to customize mapping.



Tells this class which PreparedStatement setter method to call to set insert statement parameters. It should have the same length and order as SQL insert statement parameters. Optional property, and if not set, this class calls PreparedStatement.setObject(int, Object) for all parameters. For example, this property can be configured as follows in job xml:

"String, String, Int"

And this class will call PreparedStatement.setString(int, String), PreparedStatement.setString(int, String), and PreparedStatement.setInt(int, int).

Batch Configuration Properties for jackson-databind library

When jdbcItemReader or jdbcItemWriter uses custom POJO bean as beanType, jackson-databind performs data transformation behind the scene, and this step can be configured through the following batch configuration properties in job xml, though the defaults should suffice in most cases:

  • jsonFactoryFeatures
  • mapperFeatures
  • jsonFactoryLookup
  • serializationFeatures
  • customSerializers
  • deserializationFeatures
  • customDeserializers
  • customDataTypeModules

See Chapter JsonItemReader and JsonItemWriter for more details.

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