MongoDB ItemReader and ItemWriter

jberet-support module includes mongoItemReader and mongoItemWriter for interacting with MongoDB NoSQL database. mongoItemReader reads data from MongoDB and binds to a custom POJO bean provided by the batch application. mongoItemWriter writes instances of the custom POJO bean type into MongoDB.

The following dependencies are required for mongoItemReader and mongoItemWriter:


<!-- mongojack and jackson are used to handle data binding -->


<!-- POJO beans may contain either jackson annotations, or JAXB annotations -->
<!-- Include this dependency if JAXB annotation introspector is needed -->

Configure mongoItemReader and mongoItemWriter in Job XML

mongoItemReader and mongoItemWriter are configured through <reader> or <writer> batch properties in job xml. All properties are of type String, unless noted otherwise. The following is an example job xml that references mongoItemReader and mongoItemWriter:

<job id="MongoItemReaderTest" xmlns="" version="1.0">
    <step id="MongoItemReaderTest.step1">
            <reader ref="mongoItemReader">
                    <property name="uri" value="mongodb://localhost/testData"/>
                    <property name="beanType" value=""/>
                    <property name="host" value="localhost"/>
                    <property name="database" value="testData"/>
                    <property name="collection" value="movies"/>
                    <property name="skip" value="1"/>
                    <property name="limit" value="50"/>
                    <property name="projection" value="{_id : 0}"/>
            <writer ref="mongoItemWriter">
                    <property name="uri" value="mongodb://localhost/testData"/>
                    <property name="beanType" value=""/>
                    <property name="host" value="localhost"/>
                    <property name="database" value="testData"/>
                    <property name="collection" value="movies.out"/>

Batch Properties for Both mongoItemReader and mongoItemWriter



For mongoItemReader, it's the java type that each data item should be converted to; for mongoItemWriter, it's the java type for each incoming data item. Required property, and valid values are any data-representing bean class, for example,

  • my.own.custom.ItemBean


JNDI lookup name for com.mongodb.MongoClient. Optional property and defaults to null. When this property is specified, its value will be used to look up an instance of com.mongodb.MongoClient, which is typically created and administrated externally (e.g., inside application server). Otherwise, a new instance of com.mongodb.MongoClient will be created instead of lookup. See and com.mongodb.MongoClient for more details.


The Mongo client URI. See com.mongodb.MongoClientURI docs for syntax and details. Optional property. When this property is present, it should encompass all information necessary to establish a client connection. When this property is not present, other properties (e.g., host, database, user, password, options, and collection) should be specified to satisfy com.mongodb.MongoClientURI requirement.


Host and optional port information for creating com.mongodb.MongoClientURI. It can be single host and port, or multiple host and port specification in the format host1[:port1][,host2[:port2],...[,hostN[:portN]]]. See com.mongodb.MongoClientURI, MongoClientObjectFactory.createMongoClientURI for more details.


MongoDB database name, e.g., testData. Optional property and defaults to null. See com.mongodb.MongoClientURI, MongoClientObjectFactory.createMongoClientURI for more details.


MongoDB username. Optional property and defaults to null.


MongoDB password. Optional property and defaults to null.


MongoDB client options, e.g., safe=true&wtimeout=1000. Optional property and defaults to null. See com.mongodb.MongoClientURI for more details.


MongoDB collection name, e.g., movies. Optional property and defaults to null.

Batch Properties for mongoItemReader Only

In addition to the above common properties, mongoItemReader also supports the following batch properties in job xml:



Indicates whether the current batch reader will invoke Bean Validation API to validate the incoming data POJO. Optional property and defaults to false, i.e., the reader will validate data POJO bean where appropriate.


Query criteria or conditions, which identify the documents that MongoDB returns to the client. Its value is a JSON string. Optional property and defaults to null. For example,

{ age: { $gt: 18 } }


Specifies the fields from the matching documents to return. Its value is a JSON string. Optional property and defaults to null. For example,

{ name: 1, address: 1}



Modifies the query to limit the number of matching documents to return to the client. Optional property and defaults to null (limit is not set).



Limits the number of elements returned in one batch. A cursor typically fetches a batch of result objects and store them locally. If batchSize is positive, it represents the size of each batch of objects retrieved. It can be adjusted to optimize performance and limit data transfer. If batchSize is negative, it will limit of number objects returned, that fit within the max batch size limit (usually 4MB), and cursor will be closed. For example if batchSize is -10, then the server will return a maximum of 10 documents and as many as can fit in 4MB, then close the cursor.

Note that this feature is different from limit() in that documents must fit within a maximum size, and it removes the need to send a request to close the cursor server-side. The batch size can be changed even after a cursor is iterated, in which case the setting will apply on the next batch retrieval.

See com.mongodb.DBCursor#batchSize(int) for more details.


Specifies how to sort the cursor's elements. Optional property and defaults to null. Its value is a JSON string, for example,

{ age: 1 }



Specifies the number of elements to discard at the beginning of the cursor. Optional property and defaults to 0 (do not discard any elements). See com.mongodb.DBCursor#skip(int) for more details.

Batch Properties for mongoItemWriter Only


results matching ""

    No results matching ""